
Some people are like fish bones. You eat what you can and what’s healthy and what’s nourishing. Then you simply disregard the rest.

Every once in a while you have to stop what you’re doing, take inventory, and then make an estimate!

Never judge an Indian until you walk a mile in their moccasins!

Always go to a person who is in the business. You don’t call an electrician to come fix your water pipes. You don’t call a carpet layer to fix the transmission in your car. Always go to the person who is in the business.

Self government is absolutely 100% useless if you don’t have self discipline.

Don’t ever just be a bench warmer who always just watches the game. Roll up your sleeves, steel your mind, and get into the game!

A good preacher always leaves the congregation wanting more. It’s always better for people to say, Gee, I wish that preacher would have went a little longer. You never want folks to say, Gee, I wish they would have shut that down 15 minutes sooner.

Expectations can ruin relations. They don’t always have to but they often do.

Life can be like buttoning up a shirt. If you miss the right button with the right hole in the beginning. No matter what you do you are going to be off when you reach the top.

A smart man learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.

Success is spelled with four D’s. Desire. Determination. Discipline. Diligence.