I am a big fan of any heartfelt song or spiritual song that is uplifting and that encourages us upward in worship. I am especially a fan, and definitely partial to, the volume of classic hymns that I was exposed to during my early Pentecostal days. I discovered a band called Casting Crowns last year and I wanted to give a shout out to them and a particular album I find particularly uplifting.

This CD features familiar hymns redone by Casting Crowns and also some older favorite Crowns songs reborn for this album.

Track Listing:

  1. When We All Get to Heaven
  2. Nothing But the Blood
  3. Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
  4. My Jesus, I Love Thee
  5. Blessed Redeemer
  6. At Calvary
  7. Praise You In This Storm
  8. Sweet Hour of Prayer
  9. If We Are The Body
  10. I Surrender All (All to Jesus)
  11. ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
  12. Beulah Land

Here is a sample from the album…

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