
Many years ago I was blessed with the opportunity to sit at the feet of a pastor and mentor that turned out to be, even to this very day, the wisest man I have ever known. As a part of my ministerial training he tasked me with keeping a wire bound notebook to write down the lessons that he taught and the sage advice he often gave. His intention was to give me something tangible that I could contemplate later when my time with him was over and it was time to start my own ministry. To this very day I often recollect and reflect on many of the things I wrote in that journal.

Through the most recent years of my life I believe I have been challenged and prompted in my heart and soul to “write all these things” down and share them as freely as they were shared with me. This website is my attempt to do just that. My only prayer is that these timeless lessons are received in the same spirit in which they have been given.

Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:

Isaiah 30:6 KJV