Just like there are equations in math there are spiritual equations found within the pages of holy writ. Consider for a moment this verse from the book of James.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7, KJV

Can you see the equation? Can you see the recipe for spiritual success here? I think of it like this:


This scripture has been on my mind all week. I love the “math” here don’t you? I especially like the end result. Submission to God plus resistance of the devil, and all his ways and all his minions, equals victory in battle. I love the one-two punch it offers all believers: submit, then resist. You can submit to God all day long but if you never make conscious decision to resist darkness you will be defeated in your daily battles and struggles. If you try doing battle with the devil before you have communed and bowed your heart the result is the exact same: defeat.

Submit. Resist. Watch the devil retreat. And he won’t just wave the white flag but he will scatter like a cockroach when you turn on a light.

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